SEO Case Studies by Joanna Vaiou

Welcome to our SEO case studies page for several industries, based on several KPIs (progress metrics).

Here we share a sample of Joanna Vaiou’s SEO Consulting services results for several business types.

These case studies will help you understand how SEO works and what you can expect from your SEO specialist.

The identity of most of our case studies is not public for our clientele’s safety and for privacy/confidentiality reasons. We have NDAs with most of our clients so we don’t expose or share their private information.

If you are interested in potential cooperation with Joanna, you are kindly advised to visit and fill on her contact page’sSEO Offer Feedback form – questionnaire.

SEO Case Studies 

The majority of the companies we support at fall under the following categories:

  1. Ecommerce SEO services Case Studies for National scale eCommerce websites, with (brick and mortar) local stores. SEO for medium-large sized Ecommerce Businesses.
  2. Doctor SEO – Medical SEO Services Case Studies (including plastic surgeons, ENT doctors, orthopedic surgeons, etc). The services we offer are website SEO and local SEO – Google my Business SEO, Image SEO, and Video SEO.
  3. SEO for professional services firms – Corporate Case Studies
  4. SEO Marketing Services for Consulate Case Study
  5. Citizenship by Investment program SEO Marketing Services example

This page will be updated with more SEO  performance tracking cases as we go.

These all are real examples of how SEO works as a marketing service for a company that invests in it.

Every project is custom though, this will help you understand in general what you can expect if you decide to incorporate SEO into your traditional (or not) marketing mix.

    More SEO Services Resources:

    We are a Luxury SEO services agency, helping Luxury Services brands rank on the top page of Google for their services, so they can claim sales directly from organic Google search engines.

    1. SEO package services for holiday rentals
    2. Superyacht Search Engine Optimization – Yacht Charter SEO company services
    3. Luxury villa rentals SEO services company

    Contact Joanna Vaiou

    For inquiries to work with SEO Expert Joanna Vaiou, visit our contact page.


    Azzurro Living