Digital Nomadism Types Online Meetup

Published by Joanna Vaiou on

Hi there, this is Joanna Vaiou, an SEO Contractor/Specialist and partial digital nomad.

In this post, I write about how it is to be a land-based digital nomad and I will have company.

On my end, there is certainly one common thing at the top of my head that I have noticed between worldwide travelers who can relate to digital nomadic living.

It is their happy face :).

And the sparkle in their eyes.

In the video next, I share with you our half-hour short conversation.

The 3 Types of Digital Nomadic Living:

1. Full-blown location-free (Yoann Bierling)

About Yoann: After years of full-time corporate travel, Yoann, a 34y.o. French native stopped working as an international project manager to become location free. On the road for 6+ years, with 1000+ hotels nights, 650+ flights, 55+ countries, and a year-long world tour, he is now focused on sharing honest information with the world and helping others achieve their dreams.

2. Ocean Digital nomadism (Dawn Bates Author Coach)

3. Land (partial) Digital nomadism (Joanna Vaiou: SEO Professional Services Specialist)

Those are 3 different types of nomad life.

There are more of course.

Many thanks to Yoann Bierling who organized this online meetup.

It was great and rejuvenating to talk about working and traveling abroad.

“Joanna, I am so going to abduct you one day to the sea”. ~ Dawn Bates Author Coach.

Things an Ocean digital nomad says to a land-based one.

Exactly what Dawn said to me during our call! 🙂

Types of digital nomad lifestyle online meet up - Joanna Vaiou - Dawn Bates & Yoann BierlingAs I am not seeing it happening soon, I created that image of me with the ocean behind me, to keep that vision of Dawn’s alive! :).

I like traveling/being on land and of course, I like to look at the sea and swim when it is really hot outside but hopping on a boat in the middle of the ocean for days, weeks, or even months?

That is extreme (to me).

This is what sets Dawn’s soul on fire.

And I loved hearing about it.

Check our interview with Dawn next: Grabbing life by the ovaries.

We had a lovely talk yesterday with Dawn and Yoann Bierling about remote work and remote life and shared land-based, fully location-free, and ocean digital nomad insights by the 3 of us.

What do you think?

What type of work and travel model would you choose if you had the chance or desire to?

Yoann Bierling

Yoann Bierling

What is Digital Nomadism?

What are the different types and styles?

Yoann, founder, International Business Consulting –

Yoann’s intro: We invited Joanna Vaiou, a land-based Greek digital nomad with her own freelance SEO business, and Dawn Bates Author Coach, an international best selling author, and ocean-based digital nomad, to discuss the different types of Digital Nomadism and share some stories and tips on location free life.

Digital Nomadism Types Online Video